Parasitic infections are passed through various channels including contaminated water and food, blood, soil, and waste. Some are contracted through sexual intercourse while others are transmitted by insects that act as carriers or vectors e.g. mosquitoes spreading the parasitic protozoa that cause malaria. At the end of this post, you will know what signifies a parasitic infection and when to get the best parasite cleanse.
Types of Human Parasites
A parasite refers to an organism that lives off another organism. Parasites that can cause diseases in humans can be classified into 3: ectoparasites, helminths, and protozoa. Protozoa are single-celled microscopic organisms that multiply once they get into the human body e.g. the ameba and ciliates. Helminths are bigger multicellular organisms that you can see with a naked eye e.g. roundworms, flukes, tapeworms, and nematodes. Ectoparasites are blood-sucking parasites like mosquitoes and lice which act as disease transmitters.
Signs of Parasitic Infections
Since parasites take many forms and sizes, they can cause a variety of health issues. Intestinal worms, for instance, consume food in your digestive tract, making you feel hungry a few minutes after a meal. This may prevent you from reaching your muscle-building goals. Others invade the red blood cells and can cause anemia. Some parasites lay eggs or release toxins that irritate your body, making it hard to get enough sleep. You should be able to tell your body has been invaded by parasites in several ways. Here are the most common signs of a parasitic infection.
Loss of appetite
Allergic reactions
Abdominal pain
Muscle pain
Itchy rash
Weight loss
Swollen face
Neurological issues like seizures
General weakness
Light sensitivity
Blood sugar fluctuations
Irritable bowel syndrome
Not feeling satisfied after a meal
Persistent iron deficiency (anemia)
Bloody stool
These signs may result from the toxicity that parasites release into your bloodstream. It can take months or weeks to note signs of fluke infection. Sometimes, you will not show signs of uninvited guests in your system and if the symptoms reveal, they are just mild.
The best parasite treatment depends on the details of your diagnosis. A physician may prescribe drugs like cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, or trichomoniasis. They can also recommend the best parasite cleanse if you’ve been diagnosed with parasitic worms. If you are experiencing diarrhea and dehydration, drink plenty of water to compensate for the loss. Because prevention is better than cure, drink clean water all the time, avoid raw foods, and wash your hands regularly.