Gallstones are quite common and generally do not lead to serious health issues. It affects about 15% of the people over 50. In most cases, a patient does not need surgery to solve the pain caused by it. If you have been feeling pain in your back and abdomen, a doctor may diagnose it as a gallbladder problem. You will be referred to a specialist gallbladder surgeon. The surgeon will determine if medication and other treatments will solve the problem or a surgical operation is the only solution. Your gallbladder disease will be solved permanently and you will become healthy again after recovery. Contact a gallstone surgery North Shore clinic if you need expert advice for your gallbladder disease.
What to Expect at the Clinic?
Your medical condition will be evaluated by a specialist gallstone surgeon. More than one surgeon may be involved to ensure only the right diagnosis is made and you receive the best recommendations. You will receive a personalized and comprehensive gallstone management service. The clinic has other health care professionals. This team will ensure the most appropriate treatment for you. The clinic is equipped with the latest medical equipment to treat patients suffering from gallbladder issues. It complies with the requirements of insurance companies. Even patients without insurance are treated here.
Types of Treatments on Offer
The clinic has latest laparoscopic equipment for minimally invasive surgeries. The procedure is called laparoscopic cholecstectomy. It involves making a few incisions in the abdomen to insert a tiny camera and small surgical tools operated by the surgeon from outside. Endoscope Retrograde cholangio pancreatography is another minimally invasive technique. This procedure involves minimum sedition and the patient is generally discharged on the same day. These minimally invasive surgery techniques ensure faster recovery. These solutions are needed to solve the problems of gallstones, biliary colic, gallstone pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gallbladder dysfunction, gallbladder polyps and bile duct stones.
The Symptoms of Gallbladder Problems
Do you feel pain in the abdomen after eating any fatty meal? The pain may be felt in the abdomen’s upper right part. You find pain moving to the back. You have started avoiding fried and fatty foods for fear of suffering pain in the abdomen. The pain keeps coming and going. All such symptoms indicate you have gallstones. However, you should always consult a doctor before starting any medication or other treatment. Proper diagnosis is necessary to learn more and decide the right course of treatment.
Do not wait if you require gallbladder removal, or your health condition will become more complicated. Call the gallstone surgery North Shore clinic to fix an appointment and meet the surgeon personally for initial consultation and evaluation of your health condition. A surgery can be arranged within two weeks if required.